Transformation at TIC

Toulouse International Church is an English-speaking Christian fellowship in Toulouse France. The faces of TIC change with the seasons. We are currently a vibrant congregation experiencing fast growth numerically and spiritually. We are a unique expression of the body of Christ, and we often say that we are people “from all nations and for all nations”. Our vision is to be DIVERSE PEOPLE, UNITED IN CHRIST, BEING TRANSFORMED BY HIM TO IMPACT OUR WORLD.


At TIC transformation is all about relationships. We believe that God built you to have a deep relationship with Him and to have deep relationships with his people.


At TIC we see Jesus transforming lives. We believe that Jesus changes everything in our lives and that when he changes us, he will change the world around us as well.


Jesus is changing people at TIC to walk on mission with Him. We believe that God made you for a purpose and that he is working in your life to help you follow that purpose.

Our Growing Spiritual Needs

Here at Toulouse International Church, we get to see God work IN people as he transforms them, but we also get to see God work THROUGH the people of TIC as their lives impact the world around them. This cycle of transformation is leading to lots of growth. And with growth always comes need.
As new people come to faith in Christ and many search for answers to their questions, we are OVERWHELMED with people who need to be discipled. Because of our international nature your partnership will help people transform AND transform churches around the globe.

Become a Transformation Partner

Our Growing Physical Needs

As lives are transforming and we are making disciples of all nations, we are out of space ! There is an urgent need for facility upgrades to keep up with the demand of discipleship and training. Your partnership will allow us to keep up with what the Holy Spirit is already doing.

Support this unique opportunity

Faces of Transformation

Meet the diverse people of Toulouse International Church, and hear about how God is impacting their lives.

Become a Transformation Partner

We believe that the body of Christ is huge, glorious, beautiful, and global. We need a network of international partners to pray, promote, give, and connect with the people of Toulouse International Church. These partnerships can work in a variety of ways.

Pray & Promote

We need prayers! Pray for our staffing needs, for new leaders, for those seeking faith in God, and for our space needs. Tell others about what God is doing at TIC.

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Please consider giving financially to support the increase in physical and spiritual needs. We need to raise significant funds to continue our significant calling.

Give financially


Become part of our network! Our network partners can either come to Toulouse and share their time & expertise (training, serving, construction, etc) or receive our church family as they move across the globe.

Get in touch

Funding a center for Transformation - Phase One

Our center will be built in 2 phases. The first phase consists of hiring pastoral staff, deepening our network, and developing a new space for large worship meetings. This phase will cost €587,000.

Phase 1 Progress


Phase Two

Phase two involves expanding our training and discipleship programs, and modifying our existing building to facilitate continued transformation. Phase two will cost €409,000.

Completed Project

After both phases are complete, our facility will be able to host many internationals, as they worship and meet together.  We have have plenty of room for our growing kids ministry.  We will also be able to host conferences and seminars.

Get in touch with us

Have a question? Need more information? Send us an message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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